Friday, July 3, 2009

Arm Fat

Today's post will be a little disturbing for me to write to say the least. Although I never wanted to admit the road I was on would bring me to where I'm at today, I knew what I was doing to myself and my body. I knew the health risks I was taking. I knew that I was becoming less and less attractive every day. I knew that I couldn't physically do the things I loved to do anymore. I knew that I would get fat rolls on my belly. I even expected fat rolls on my back. But what I never ever expected was a fat roll on my arm. Yeah, you heard me right. I'm not talking about a little flab that waves when you wave. I'm talking about being careful the shirt your wearing has sleeves long enough to cover the ROLL on my arm. Are you kidding!!!!

Potluck at work today. Lets just say I could have done worse and I will make the next available U turn (which I did at dinner). Still no soda which is a big plus.


  1. Well you'll lose that soon:) Good luck!
    Fingers crossed!!!

  2. stay diligent, learn to forgive yourself, be patient.

    good luck!

